Postnatal Depression: Symptoms and Solutions

Postnatal Depression: Symptoms and Solutions

Approximately 8 in 10 new mothers will have a case of the baby blues soon after giving birth. This is generally a fleeting sadness that passes within a couple of days. However, for some women, this feeling lingers and can develop into a more serious condition: postnatal depression.

The Symptoms 

Symptoms of postnatal depression (or PND) vary from individual to individual. However, general signs to look out for can include:

  • Feeling like you can’t cope or that life has no meaning
  • Feeling as though you are inadequate
  • Negative thoughts or feelings of guilt
  • Lowered self-esteem and confidence
  • Insomnia or disturbed sleeping
  • Lowered libido
  • Less or no appetite
  • Panic attacks or feelings of anxiety
  • Frequent crying or getting irritated easily
  • Forgetfulness or inability to concentrate.

The Solutions

Your partner, family members and/or friends are vital in helping you get through postnatal depression. Be honest about your feelings and thoughts so that your support network understands your state and can help as needed. If you withdraw from other people, your family needs to recognise that this is a side effect of PND and doesn’t mean they should stop supporting you.

If your symptoms are severe, you should take action early by consulting your doctor. Counselling, anti-depressants or a combination of both may be recommended to help you overcome postnatal depression. Just remember: this condition is just that – a health problem – and does not suggest that you aren’t a good mother.

If you’d like to discuss postnatal depression in more detail with an experienced obstetrician, please feel free to contact us for a consultation.

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